About us

The impetus for setting up Positivemotion.me came from several online meditation sessions run by myself over five months of 2020 with the involvement of my Friend Elisa who joined in from Italy. These sessions began during the first Covid-19 lockdown period at the end of March and continued with usually four sessions per week until the beginning of September. During these sessions we discovered an interesting correlation between our initial 'Positive emotion' type meditation practice and subsequent creative activities undertaken by us both. The latter included drawing and painting, sculpture and photography, writing either memoirs or poetry and Elisa's Indian Dance practice.

My approach to meditation teaching

I have been practising a variety of meditation forms, mostly from the Buddhist tradition, since 1992 and have been teaching meditation and leading groups since 2004. Several years ago I had the opportunity to lead a short meditation session on TV. This was part of an investigation into the effects of various activities on stress levels for Channel four's popular science show 'Men in White.

One of the main difficulties encountered by meditation practitioners is the maintenance of focus in their practice, this is due to the natural tendency of the mind to drift off the object of concentration. Over the years I have developed an approach to meditation which emphasises emotional engagement with the various stages of the practice, which I now incorportate into my meditation teaching. I have found this approach to be very beneficial in helping to maintain focus when practicing meditation.

The meditations I teach

Nowadays I tend to concentrate on two traditional meditation practices: the Metta Bhavana (cultivation of positive emotion) and Sitting in Awareness. These two meditations, both originating from methods going back several thousand years, have been shown to usefully complement each other to give a well balanced meditation practice.

Occasionally I also give instruction on other traditional meditation forms including the mindfulness of breathing, walking meditation, the Five or Six Element Practice and the Stupa Visualisation. The latter being an example of a purely visualization based practice.

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Photograph by Mike Faherty.